July 7, 2012

PBB does it again

Pinoy Big Brother ended earlier and everyone on Twitter and Facebook (at least those that I Follow and are my Friends) is not happy about the results. Let me add “again” to that.
I did not watch a single episode of the latest season. But I knew why it was such a big deal.
Here’s a recap of the past seasons (I have seen all episode of these seasons, well, except for season 3 and 4):
Season 1: Nene Tamayo won. I though Jason Gainza would end up as the Big Winner.
Season 2: Beatrice Saw won. I thought voodoo doll collector Gee-An Abraham would win.
Season 3: I did not five a f*ck.
Season 4: See Season 2
Celebrity Edition 1: The first season that the Big Winner really deserves the title and the money and other prizes.
Celebrity Edition 2: I stopped betting on someone when Baron Geisler was force-evicted. Ruben Gonzaga won.
Teen Edition 1: Kim Chiu was okay. Actually it was the very first season that everyone in the Big Four deserves to win.
Teen Edition 2: Because he’s a soccer player, and I liked the honesty and his willingness to work here in the Philippines (his father is from Italy) so that he can help his family, I was betting on Alex Anselmuccio. But he got evicted one week before the eviction night. Valerie Weignmann was my favorite, too. Then she got evicted at the middle of the season. Ejay Falcon won. He was fine. JSYK, that was sarcasm.
Teen Edition 3: Patrick Sugui was okay in the beginning. Then people hated him because he’s friends with Joe Vargas. So, eventually, he got evicted. Then I was waving the Fretzie Bercede flag. People voted for James Reid so Fretzie only came in third.


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